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Three women smiling at the camera. The woman on the right as paint on her face.

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Every little bit makes the difference


As a charity, we rely on your donations so that we can continue to offer our support and services to those that need it most. Please consider donating using the link above for PayPal or using our easyfundraising link below.


We also receive donations through AmazonSmile, so while you shop a little is donated towards a good cause and it doesn't cost you a penny! To learn more about setting it up click on the following link.


You can also set up a regular payment schedule, like a standing order.

Paypal Donation Link
Donation source
Keeping in touch

Your support is very important to us and we’d like to continue to keep you informed about the vital work we do. We’ll never sell or share your details. Your personal information is protected and processed in accordance with current data protection legislation, including GDPR.


If you’ve provided a postal address, we will contact you in this way with marketing we believe you’ll be interested in, unless you’ve told us not to. If you’d prefer us not to contact you by post, or if you’d like to change the way we process your data, let us know by getting in touch with our Kinship Carer's, whose contact details are located at the bottom of the page.


Please tick the relevant box below if you would like to receive updates about Kinship carer’s activities, fundraising campaigns and appeals via any of the below:

Please tick if you are interested.
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