Useful Information for Kinship Carers
Useful information for Kindship Carers
Advise for Perspective Carers
As a perspective Kinship Carer it will help you before you accept the SGO Special Guardianship Order that you look at the support you could receive from the local authority. We would advise you to print this 30 page document and highlight the areas which are applicable to your prospective kinship child and family circumstances. Special guardianship guidance Statutory guidance for local authorities.
We advise you to share this with your legal representative, if you do no have legal representation then you must share this with your assessing social worker the the judge when you attend court.
Adoption Support Fund
Adoption Support Fund pays for a range of therapeutic support for adopted children and their adoptive family and, since April 2016, for children cared for by special guardians who are eligible.
The Adoption Support Fund is available to those Special Guardians living in England who obtained a Special Guardianship Order (SGO) for a child aged 21 and younger (or 25 and younger if they have a Statement of Special Educational Needs or an Education, Health and Care Plan) who was looked after immediately before the SGO was granted.
FRG has published comprehensive online information for special guardians, who are eligible the Fund. The eligibility criteria are explained, along with information about the process and what might be funded.
Pupil Premium
For the pupil premium government grant conditions year beginning the 1st of April 2018-2019 please follow the link below, please not that special guardians and child arrangement orders are included.
Quick Financial Guide
For a general guide to benefits that Kinship Carers may be able to claim, please follow the link
2 Child Tax Credit Limit​
It has taken more than three years of relentless campaigning by the various groups and all children in kinship care or adopted will be exempt from the 2 child tax credit limit, regardless of when they joined the household. Great news!